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Join the Wilfred Owen Association

For a year's membership (which includes copies of the Association's Journal, published twice a year) the fees are:

  • £15 (individual or couple; UK or oveseas)--online Journal
  • £12 (concessions: under 25 or over 70; UK or overseas)--online Journal
  • £25 (overseas)--print Journal

To join, please email the Membership Secretary (membership@wilfredowen.org.uk) with your name, address and phone number, and indicating how we should expect payment for your membership.  There are a number of options:


Internet Banking

You can make a payment via internet banking direct to the WOA's account at Lloyd's Bank, Shrewsbury.

Account Name:  The Wilfred Owen Association

UK Bank Sort Code: 30-97-62

Account Number: 00454221

**When paying via this method please ensure that you give your surname and email as the 'Reference' so that we can identify your payment.**


Bank Transfer

You can pay by bank transfer to Lloyd's Bank, 1 Pride Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 1DG, quoting our account details above.  You may also need the follow additional information:

Bank Branch: Shrewsbury (309762)


IBAN: GB31 LOYD 3097 6200 4542 21


Cheques (in Pound Sterling) may be sent to:

Colin Kerr, Treasurer, WOA

Orchard House, Holcombe Hill, Holcombe, Somerset, BA3 5DJ 


Joint membership

For joint membership of the Wilfred Owen Association and the Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship (including copies of the SSF Journal, also published twice yearly) the subscription is:

  • £27 (individual or couple)
  • £23 (concessions)
  • £30 (overseas)

You can pay by Internet Banking/Bank Transfer/Cheque as detailed above.  

Before joining, please read our Privacy Notice explaining how we process your personal data. If you have any questions about our approach to privacy, please email secretary@wilfredowen.org.uk.


Please consider supporting the work of the WOA by making a donation. 


For current members, these revised subscription rates come into effect on January 31st 2023. 

Please ensure that we have your most up-to-date information, in particular your email address.


For more information about membership please email Thomas Muldoon, Membership Secretary, at secretary@wilfredowen.org.uk



Please read our Privacy Notice

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