11th March 1917
On the night of the 11th or 12th March, Wilfred fell into a concealed well, or cellar, near Bouchoir and Le Quenoy, banging the back of his head on the way down and lying at the bottom for over 24 hours with concussion. In the fall he lost both his watch and his revolver. When he came round he either escaped or was rescued, and staggered back to his camp, where he attempted to resume his duties, but a few days later he was violently sick and got a fever, so was sent down to the 13th Casualty Clearing Station at Gailly, on 17th March.
Arriving the next day he was too concussed to remember that it was his birthday! He was put to bed for several days, then spent the rest of the month recuperating, gradually regaining his strength.